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Here is what you'll learn:

Reduce the need to differentiate, lower your workload and ensure all students are successful with this 4-step plan based on the Science of Learning.

Step 1: Why you must declutter your curriculum.

Trying to do it all is exhausting you (and bad for student learning). Use Essentialism and Cognitive Load Theory to determine what to "declutter" from your units and lessons.

Step 2: Ditch resource heavy strategies that are not backed by cognitive science.

Some popular teaching practices use a lot of energy and yield minimal student results. Save your energy by ditching these resource heavy and ineffective teaching practices and beliefs.

Step 3: Prepare for learning using a science based approach.

Without the right foundations of knowledge, students flounder and we burn out trying to differentiate our lessons. Effortlessly differentiate your teaching by priming your students' learning correctly.

Step 4: Write your own playbook

You only need to nail these 5 high impact, automatically differentiated teaching strategies to ensure your students are engaged and successful in their learning. This suite of strategies are drawn from the Science of Learning and are repeatable and reusable across all year levels and content areas.

“I’m definitely more relaxed already with a few techniques. It was a no brainer to come to your next workshop!!” - Lily, English and Humanities Teacher, Mordialloc College

“I used your strategies in all three of my classes today!!! Thank you.” - Michael, English Teacher, Wesley College

Sign up today, I’d love to help you achieve more with less and regain balance in your life.